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My Last Blog...For Now

Never did I ever think I would write a blog but over the course of this semester I actually began to enjoy it. Don’t let the fact that I wrote all of them last minute fool you because it’s just who I am. I enjoyed sitting down every week and reflecting on what I have been doing, what I had been reading and what I had been learning. It gave me a sense of accomplishment to follow through with this for the whole semester no matter how much I complained on Sunday night when I had to start posting. This class has taught me so many things besides what it’s like to blog. I will be the first to admit, I am probably too involved in social media. I enjoy just sitting and staring for far too long each day looking for new people to follow, memes to laugh at and pictures to like as I go throughout my day. So along with blogging, this class taught me out to properly use social media and the use of social media for not only my personal profiles but if I were ever to run a busine

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