My Day in Ada

This week I got the chance to tap into my creative side and challenge myself at the same time. Our assignment was to create a short video to display what there is to do in Ada. The typical response to the question, “what is there to do in Ada?” is typical very short and usually doesn’t produce positive responses among students here. This, however, is not always the case and some people actually enjoy the quaint village we’ve all inhabited and for this video, I wanted to showcase what I do here in Ada.

The first step in making my video was planning. I knew doing an assignment like this would take a lot of work, so I had to get started early. I started my project with making sure my camera was charged and ready to go and made sure I had all of the necessary tools to start filming. My next course of action was taking each step of my day and writing them down and put them in the order, so it flowed and made sense to the audience but also accurately portrayed my everyday life. The video was only 45-90 seconds long, so I had to take time into account in order to perfect this video.
The next step of this project was to do the actual filming. I have never done much filming before. I enjoy photography and shoot still pictures but I have never shot video before, so it was something new and I was excited to try. I had also just gotten a new camera for Christmas, so I was excited to get to use it for its full capabilities. As I went through my list of things I normally do throughout the day, I started to become very discouraged at what my video was turning out to be. It wasn’t fun or exciting and didn’t really showcase my true feelings about Ada because I have really come to enjoy it and everything it has to offer so I scratched my whole idea and started over with a comical aspect. I wanted to address an entertainment standpoint and show even though all I do is work (as you can see by my video) Ada can still be a good time with plenty to do. When in doubt, get a job and it will keep you busy.

The next step was to export all my clips and start making my video. I have no experience making or editing short films or movies but thankfully the standard software on MacBooks, iMovie, is very simple and easy to use. It tells us where everything should go and gives you set places for different intros, clips, transitions, etc. It was very simple to get the hang of and get to work how I wanted it to. After completing my video, I picked a song I felt fit the pace of the video and added a good sound to the video. After the final project was completed, all I had left to do was upload my masterpiece to YouTube.

Overall this was a very fun project from start to finish. Like I mentioned, it brought out a creative side in me and it allowed me to really test my limits. I hope all of you viewing this post get a chance to check out my video. I’ll leave it down below in case you’re interested in checking out how it all turned out. Without further ado, “My Day in Ada.”


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