YouTube Marketing

Jason McDonald describes YouTube as a “two-for-one punch” in your social media marketing. Not only do you have the content being posted on YouTube itself, but it also gives you the opportunity to post and share your video on your twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. You are gaining engagement on multiple different platforms and ultimately leading people back to the original video on YouTube.

YouTube, as we all know, can be used in many different ways and McDonald gives us three to really take a look at. He goes in depth on YouTube being a supporting medium, a discovery mechanism and a sharing/viral promotion tactic. YouTube is such an effective tool of all three of these uses and you can’t really go wrong using it for any of these. McDonald stresses how important YouTube can be to marketing by saying, “it is one of the most dramatic, most viral components of the internet.”

Using YouTube as a supporting medium is like what I mentioned earlier. You can make a post or a video and use videos to gain more traction on your social medias. Videos and content are the most attractive way to market anything according to McDonald. You can get your point across in so many different ways and YouTube can be used to successfully market to a very large crowd.

Using YouTube as a discovery mechanism is actually more common than not. According to McDonald, YouTube is the second most used search engine right after Google. Searching through YouTube is the most visual way to learn something. Using Google to search things can bring up videos but most of the time it is a step by step process in learning how to do something. If you are more of a visual learner like myself, it is easier to going to YouTube and watching someone else do it and teaching me how to complete the task.

YouTube is a huge market for promotional ads, videos and content in general. Not only do YouTube partners get monetized for placing ads in their videos, but typically, someone big enough to be a partner on YouTube and get paid for making videos will often have sponsors who will either pay them or send them stuff to promote and advertise on their channel and get word out to the public. Sometimes brands may have their own channel to market products on but it is also very easy to use someone who may already have a huge following looking for the next big thing to buy and show off. Like we talked about in the Instagram chapter, it’s human nature to want to how off at least a little bit.

Jason McDonald goes in depth on the importance of YouTube and its role in the marketing industry. It can be one of the most eye-catching, attractive ways to market products or services to those of us who are visual people.


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